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Sync hour calendar integration improvements

We released several improvements to make the sync hour calendar reservations more intuitive and easier to use.

Easier to see if there are any topics scheduled

Now when you open the calendar, you’ll see either 🟢 or 🔵 at the beginning of every sync hour reservation.

calendar reservations

🟢 means that there are no topics scheduled during this sync hour. 🔵 means that there is at least one topic scheduled during this sync hour.

Easier to see how busy is a sync hour for you

When you open a reservation, you’ll now see a bar showing how busy is this sync hour. Each rectangle represents a 5-minute block of time.

calendar reservation

🟩 is a five-minute free block of time that can be used to schedule topics.

🟦 is a five-minute block is already reserved for a topic that you can see if you look at the agenda.

🟥 is a five-minute block that is either blocked by another conflicting appointment or you have changed your sync hour availability to partial.

Plain text option

If you are using a calendar client application that doesn’t support HTML in the body, you can now turn on a plain text option. This option is located in Settings -> Calendar -> Calendar preferences.

plain text option

Once you change it, press “Update existing sync hours” for the change to take effect.

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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