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Topic summary email

Wouldn’t be amazing if every meeting you join:

  1. Had a clear purpose
  2. All the required participants have joined on time
  3. Everyone was highly engaged
  4. The discussion was quick, efficient, and ended on time
  5. The next steps and action items were properly documented
  6. A summary email with all the notes and actions was sent to everyone.

If you are an experienced Remeet user you should be in a good shape with the first five. Now you can get the automatic email for every topic discussed on Remeet. Notification will include meeting recording, topic notes/actions, and a link to an automatic transcription (add-on).

Here’s how that email looks like:

topic summary email

The email will include all the participants and you can continue the discussion asynchronously by replying to the email thread.

If you’d like receive this notification enable it in your settings.

email notification settings

If you’d like us to enable this for every user in your workspace please reach out to us.

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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