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Scheduling topics around conflicting calendar events

Historically, Remeet ignored events on external Google/Office365 calendars that conflict with remeet reservations. This works great for teams adopting the entirety of Remeet’s features at once and moving all of their meetings to Remeet. But if your team is adopting Remeet gradually, you may greatly benefit from more flexibility.

Topics scheduled around conflicting calendar events

When this feature is enabled, you’ll see that accepted events on your calendar that conflict with a sync hour will trigger Remeet to reschedule topics inside the remeet to avoid conflicts.

Here’s how it may look like before the remeet (the manually created event is in orange):

reservation conflicting with remeet

This is how it looks right after Remeet has finalized the schedule (this occurs 15 minutes before the start of the remeet):

finalized remeet

As you can see, three topics were scheduled around the event on the calendar.

Only accepted (you responded as Yes) events will have an impact on Remeet scheduling.

NOTE: This is currently an experimental feature and has to be enabled by your account administrator.

Partial availability visualization

When someone else is partially available due to external events (or remeet acceptance settings), you’ll see a clock icon where red represents the time blocked on the external calendar, and green indicates the time available for a topic on Remeet.

partial availability

You’ll also see the blocked time intervals on the upcoming screen in-between topics:


Taking a week off?

You can also use this feature to make yourself unavailable on Remeet when you take a vacation. To do so, you can create an out-of-office appointment, and all the topics will be automatically postponed until you are back.

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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