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Urgency report

One of the unique features of Remeet is that users don’t have to select an exact time for their meetings. They rely on the scheduler to find the most optimal schedule for the entire team.However, some topics are more urgent than others, and Remeet allows people to increase the urgency for topics that can’t wait.

What we recommend is to define some internal guidelines that define what is considered “urgent” for your team. Without these guidelines, there’s a risk that the urgency setting will be overused, causing other topics to suffer. Here’s our recommendation:

  • Very Urgent — you are blocked and that has a significant impact on the business
  • Urgent — you are blocked, but there’s no significant impact on the business and you can focus on less important tasks in the meantime.
  • Normal — default for most on-demand discussions. To have it scheduled sooner, make it shorter and with fewer people.
  • Low — default for most recurring topics. This is important as this will make people less reliant on recurring meetings and schedule on-demand topics when questions/problems arise.
  • Lowest — default for all the casual/informal discussions. E.g. 1-1s between peers.

Urgency selector when creating a topic in Remeet

Urgency report

To help teams follow their own guidelines, we are introducing an Urgency Report:

Urgency report sample in Reemet

This report shows:

  • A breakdown of all topic by urgency, both by topic count and by sum of topic durations.
  • A breakdown by users. You can see who tends to schedule urgent topics more often.
  • Urgency changes over time, so you can track how prioritization improves over time.

You can generate the report by clicking on your user avatar and then Reports -> Urgency:

Report menu

We hope that this report will be a useful addition to other Remeet reports:

Posted by Anton Dosov
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