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UI refresh, optimized grid layout, connectivity and security improvements

Hi there!

This is our weekly update. We would greatly appreciate any feedback.

New features / significant changes:

  • UI Refresh. Over the last year we’ve made many functional changes without upgrading the overall appearance. We started a UI refresh a couple of weeks ago and just released an updated version. We’ve already made navigation much simpler and the overall look and feel more appealing. Most changes are related to the Upcoming topics screen, and in the coming weeks we’ll revise and improve the rest of the interface as well. We hope you like the improvements and would greatly appreciate any feedback.

ui refresh

  • Optimized grid layout. Not all topics require note taking, and in those situations we should be giving more space to video. We introduced a basic grid layout about a month ago, and this week we’ve improved it by dynamically adjusting participant video feeds based on the available space and number of people. To see it, just collapse the notes and agenda section during your next topic. If you are curious about implementation details please check this out.

grid picture

Small improvements & bug fixes:

  • [Improvement] Мideo call connection/reconnection improvements
  • [Improvement] GDPR related security & privacy improvements
  • [Bug] Regression issue with non urgent topic are scheduled during urgent-only sync hours

More updates coming next week. Stay tuned!

Remeet Team

Posted by Gene Padaliak
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