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Meetter is now Remeet

March 15, 2021

Hi there!

We have some special news to share. Meetter is now Remeet. Our new domain is, and we’ll fully transition existing accounts on March 21st.


Double tt was always a bit of a challenge, but it became an issue when in 2020, a very different product called Meeter (single t) was launched.

We now had to come up with a different name and ideally one that better aligns with our current vision.

To give you some context, here’s a brief history of what was originally a hobby project.

2017: At this point, we were asking ourselves: how can we make meetings more efficient/organized so that they consume less time? It didn’t work out. Many agenda startups didn’t do well, and we quickly learned why.

2018: Taking notice of an increase in remote work, we revised the question: how would we solve this problem if the office environment never existed? We dropped support for all office/conference-room use-cases and focused on remote-first teams.

2019: We realized we could do even better: how would we solve this problem if in-person meetings never existed? Said goodbye to meeting agendas, and this was when we solved the puzzle. We drastically redesigned and simplified the product.

2020: Humans were underrated. 10-minute meetings are not a joke anymore. And Meetter is no longer a hobby, either. Efficiency gains for some customers are profound: more than an extra day each week. We started solving the opposite problem—some of our customers started experiencing very few meetings instead of too many.

2021: While everyone talks about zoom fatigue, our customers say that Meetter “helps everyone get energized for the day ahead,” and it’s very common to see users condensing their usual 20-25 hours of meetings a week to fewer than 10, or 10-15 hours to fewer than 5.

New name

Here’s what’s unique about Meetter as it stands now:

  • It solves the same problem as well-organized group meetings with agendas, but in a fresh, highly efficient, and much simpler way
  • It’s laser-focused on the needs of fully distributed/remote-first teams

The new name, Remeet, perfectly represents both:

  • Reinvented meeting
  • Remote-first meeting

And here’s a fun fact: you can unscramble Remeet from Meetter (meetter -> meet t er -> remeet).

Remeet Team

Written by Gene Padaliak
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